DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
CHK4MAIL(1) DragonFly General Commands Manual CHK4MAIL(1)
chk4mail - list the number of mails in your mailfolders
chk4mail [--acfhijlnqstux] [-d directory] [-e folder] [-m padding]
[-r host] [-# padding] folder ...
This manual page documents the chk4mail utility.
This program lists the number of read and unread emails in the folders in
your maildirectory and your incoming mailfolder. The program assumes that
the mailfolders reside in the subdir ~/Mail (or alternatively ~/mail).
To determine the incoming folder, the value of the environment variable
${MAIL} is used.
However if you explicitly mention the mailfolders you want to see on the
commandline, then only those files will be checked for new mail. You can
specify the names as absolute filenames or use the =folder notation to
indicate that the folder is located in your maildirectory. Instead of
the equals sign (`='), a plus (`+') may be used as well.
The mailfolders are shown (and parsed) in alphabetical order, excluding
any empty folders. The incoming folder is always shown last. Folder names
that don't start with a lower case character will be ignored. When the
number of emails cannot be determined (e.g. due to missing headers), a
question mark is shown instead.
Although the mailfolders need to be read to obtain the necessary
information, the original file access time will be preserved. Other
programs such as mutt(1) and tcsh(1) use the access time to determine
when new mail has arrived. Let's not upset these programs...
-a Display the number of messages which have been answered. Only
works if your mailreader supports this X-Status extension.
-c Also display folders when the name starts with a capital (the
default is to ignore these folders).
-d directory
Look for mailfolders in the specified directory instead of the
-e folder
Exclude the specified mail folder. Note that the -e options may
be given multiple times to exclude more mailfolders. Extra
folder names explicitly specified as command line arguments will
override any exclude options.
-f Display the number of messages which have flagged as important.
Only works if your mailreader supports this X-Status extension.
-g Display the number of messages that are cryptographically signed.
Does not work for Maildir folders, or mails that do not list this
information in the headers.
-G Display the number of messages that are encrypted. Does not work
for Maildir folders, or mails that do not list this information
in the headers.
-h Hide folders which contain only old mail (any folder with mail
marked as new will be displayed).
-i Only parse the standard incoming mail folder.
-j Parse everything except the standard incoming mail folder.
-l Always follow symbolic links. By default symbolic links are only
followed when the filename is mentioned in $MAIL or as a command
line argument, but not when encountered in your mailfolder
-m number
Set the maximum folder name length. This is usually detected
automatically, but not when you use Maildirs with subfolders.
Setting this may lead to a prettier layout formatting.
-n Only show new folders, i.e. folders that actually received new
mail since the last time you opened them. If you have quite some
mailfolders (with old mail), this will be much faster than using
the -h option.
-p Use pthreads for parallel processing of multiple folders at once.
This may speed up the process, but can actually be slower in some
environments. This feature is still experimental: it produces
incorrect results on some architectures.
-q Suppress errors when a specified file is missing or can not be
read. With this option, unreable files will be simply ignored.
-r hostname
Execute this program on another machine, using rsh(1) to the
remote host. If this option is specified, then all other
command-line options will be ignored.
If hostname equals the local hostname (without a domain), then
this option will be ignored completely.
-s Short output: only show files which haven't been opened since the
last time that new mail had been received (this is fast). Implies
the -n option.
-t Change the timestamp of "old" mailfolders which do however
contain new messages. This will make sure that other mail
programs will also detect the new messages and that they will
show up with -n in future runs as well. This option does not
affect the timestamp of folders that were already detected as
"new" (i.e. folders that do show up with -n already).
Note that this option as absolutely no effect in combination with
the -n flag: because that will skip the examination of these
"old" folders.
-u Treat unread messages as old instead of new email.
-w Perform case sensitive parsing of mail headers. Although most
applications generate headers in standard case-specific format,
this is not a strict requirement. In general, mail message
headers are case insensitive. Therefore, using this option may
produce unexpected results, but it will speed up parsing of
-x Show folders with leading dots in the name as well. In Unix using
a dot as first character usually means that the file is hidden in
normal directory listings.
-# number
Pad the last output field (total messages) to number spaces. The
default is 4.
The behaviour of this program can be further tweaked using environment
variables: see ENVIRONMENT below.
One or more arguments may be entered: these should be the filenames of
the folders you want to parse. If arguments are specified, only these
folders are checked and your default folders will be ignored. Wildcard
expansion (glob-style) is performed on the arguments.
chk4mail recognizes five different mailbox formats: mbox, MMDF, MH,
Maildir and Extended Maildir. The mailbox type is autodetected, so there
is no need to use a flag for different mailbox types.
mbox This mailbox format is most common. The mailfolder consists of a
single file containing all messages. Each message starts with a
line of the form:
Unfortunately these `From ' lines are not always quoted properly
in the message body. That is why chk4mail takes the
`Content-Length' header into account, where-ever possible.
MMDF This is a variant of the mbox format. It has a clearer way of
seperating messages: Each message is surrounded by lines
containing `^A^A^A^A'.
MH A mailfolder consists of a directory and each message is stored
in a separate file. The filename indicates the message number.
Deleted files are renamed by prepending a comma to the filename.
Whether a file is unread should be indicated in the .mh_sequences
file. However as neither procmail(1) nor mutt(1) update this,
there is no point in checking it. So the number of new messages
in these folder is always unknown, and a question mark is shown
A newer mailfolder format, which is (can be) used by qmail(1) and
procmail(1). Like MH directories are used for the mailfolders,
however it adds three subdirectories for the mailfolder: tmp, new
and cur. As filenames for the messages, the message-id of the
mail is used, so it should always be unique, and file locking is
not needed.
Extended Maildir
A format used by Courier MTA, but not recognized by qmail or
procmail. This is an extension of the Maildir format whereby
each maildir may contain one or more subfolders (all subfolders
also contain tmp, new, cur directories). These subfolders do not
have subsubfolders, but a dot seperator can be used to indicate a
hierarchy: so .Sent.2004 and .Sent.2005 indicate two parts of the
Sent subfolder.
Remember that procmail(1) can use only three of these mailbox formats:
mbox (`folder'), MH (`folder/.') and Maildir (`folder/'). However
mutt(1) supports all five formats.
Empty files, filenames not starting with a lowercase character, symbolic
links and special devices will be ignored. However files containing dots
as well as subdirectories are treated as mailfolders. If you don't like
this, then you shouldn't put these in your maildirectory!
There is no fall-back for an incoming folder. When the ${MAIL} variable
is not set, we simply assume all the folders are in the maildirectory.
When you don't have a maildirectory either, there is little point in
using this utility. This may be a bit confusing because mail readers like
mutt(1) and elm(1) usually do have a fall-back default, which is
determined at compile-time. This is usually something like
The ${MAILPATH} environment variable will be ignored if it is set. This
is not a bug. Having to list 50 full pathnames in a variable just to get
your mail program to function is rediculous.
To be somewhat compatible with frm(1) and nfrm(1) chk4mail will behave
completely different when it is run as frm or nfrm: in this case it will
display a list with the senders and subjects of the (new) messages in
your standard inbox. The output may not be completely compatible and the
command line options of frm(1) are not supported.
HOME Full path of the user's home directory. This is used to determine
the directory where the user's mailfolders reside. By default the
subdirectory Mail is used; if this does not exist then the
directory mail is used instead.
MAIL Full path of the user's default incoming mailfolder.
On popular demand, setting this variable will do the same as the
-u command line option.
This variable allows you to set default options for chk4mail.
You should use options the same way as you would do on the
command line.
Johan van Selst <johans@stack.nl>
By default this program does not make any distinction between new and
unread messages. This is a feature, not a bug. See the -u option.
In the unlikely event that the program doesn't behave the way it is
supposed to, you can always contact the author.
chk4mail March 1, 2006 chk4mail