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DPROMDIC(1)            DragonFly General Commands Manual           DPROMDIC(1)

dpromdic - Convert the binary-form Romaji-to-Kana conversion table into the
text-form table dpromdic [ file ]


dpromdic converts the binary-form Romaji-to-Kana conversion table into the text-form table. It then outputs the result to the standard output. After a dictionary table is converted into the binary dictionary by using mkromdic(1), dpromdic can returns it to the text-form table. The contents converted into binary dictionary from the text dictionary by using mkromdic(1) is sorted in alphabetical order of Romaji. The comment lines are deleted in this table.


% dpromdic test.kp (The contents of test.kp are output, in text form, to the standard output.) % dpromdic test.kp > test1.kpdef (Dictionary table test1.kpdef is created in text form.)


mkromdic(1) DPROMDIC(1)

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