DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
OCRA_TOOL(8) DragonFly System Manager's Manual OCRA_TOOL(8)
ocra_tool - create and view OCRA credential files
ocra_tool info -f credential_file
ocra_tool init -f credential_file -s suite_string -k key [-c counter]
[-p pin | -P pinhash] [-w counter_window] [-t timestamp_offset]
The ocra_tool utility is used to initialize and view OCRA credential
files used by the pam_ocra(8) authentication service module for PAM.
info Show content of OCRA credential file.
-f credential_file
the OCRA credential file.
init Initialize OCRA credential file.
-f credential_file
the OCRA credential file.
-s suite_string
OCRA suite string.
-k key
specified as hexadecimal string.
-c counter
If the suite_string requires a counter parameter,
counter is the initial counter value. If counter begins
with '0x' it will be interpreted as hexadecimal number.
-p pin | -P pinhash
If the suite_string requires a pin-hash parameter, it is
either set as hexadecimal string pinhash or calculated
from pin using the pin-hash algorithm in suite_string.
-w counter_window
If the suite_string requires a counter parameter,
counter_window specifies the maximum number of verify
attempts pam_ocra(8) will make (while incrementing the
counter value). This parameter is optional.
-t timestamp_offset
If the suite_string requires a timestamp parameter,
timestamp_offset specifies the number of timestamp steps
pam_ocra(8) will make while verifying a response. The
verify process will start at (current_timestamp -
timestamp_offset) and end at (current_timestamp +
timestamp_offset). This parameter is optional.
$ ocra_tool init -f ~/.ocra -s OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA1-6:C-QN08-PSHA1 \
-k 00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233 \
-c 10 -p 1234 -w 50
$ ocra_tool info -f ~/.ocra
suite: OCRA-1:HOTP-SHA1-6:C-QN08-PSHA1
key: 0x00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff00112233
counter: 0x000000000000000a
counter_window: 50
pin_hash: 0x7110eda4d09e062aa5e4a390b0a572ac0d2c0220
OCRA credential file
ocra_tool and this manual page were developed by Stefan Grundmann.
DragonFly 6.5-DEVELOPMENT October 4, 2014 DragonFly 6.5-DEVELOPMENT