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LIBPACK(3)            DragonFly Library Functions Manual            LIBPACK(3)


libpack - support for connected components


#include <graphviz/pack.h> typedef enum { l_clust, l_node, l_graph, l_array} pack_mode; typedef struct { float aspect; /* desired aspect ratio */ int sz; /* row/column size size */ unsigned int margin; /* margin left around objects, in points */ int doSplines; /* use splines in constructing graph shape */ pack_mode mode; /* granularity and method */ boolean *fixed; /* fixed[i] == true implies g[i] should not be moved */ packval_t* vals; /* for arrays, sort numbers */ int flags; } pack_info; point* putRects(int ng, boxf* bbs, pack_info* pinfo); int packRects(int ng, boxf* bbs, pack_info* pinfo); point* putGraphs (int, Agraph_t**, Agraph_t*, pack_info*); int packGraphs (int, Agraph_t**, Agraph_t*, pack_info*); int packSubgraphs (int, Agraph_t**, Agraph_t*, pack_info*); pack_mode getPackMode (Agraph_t*, pack_mode dflt); int getPack (Agraph_t*, int, int); int isConnected (Agraph_t*); Agraph_t** ccomps (Agraph_t*, int*, char*); Agraph_t** pccomps (Agraph_t*, int*, char*, boolean*); int nodeInduce (Agraph_t*);


libpack supports the use of connected components in the context of laying out graphs using other graphviz libraries. One set of functions can be used to take a single graph and break it apart into connected components. A complementary set of functions takes a collection of graphs (not necessarily components of a single graph) which have been laid out separately, and packs them together. As this library is meant to be used with libcommon, it relies on the Agraphinfo_t, Agnodeinfo_t and Agedgeinfo_t used in that library. The specific dependencies are given below in the function descriptions. Creating components Agraph_t** ccomps (Agraph_t* g, int* cnt, char* pfx) The function ccomps takes a graph g and returns an array of pointers to subgraphs of g which are its connected components. cnt is set to the number of components. If pfx is non-NULL, it is used as a prefix for the names of the subgraphs; otherwise, the string ``_cc_'' is used. Note that the subgraphs only contain the relevant nodes, not any corresponding edges. Depending on the use, this allows the caller to retrieve edge information from the root graph. The array returned is obtained from malloc and must be freed by the caller. The function relies on the mark field in Agnodeinfo_t. Agraph_t** pccomps (Agraph_t* g, int* cnt, char* pfx, boolean* pinned) This is identical to ccomps except that is puts all pinned nodes in the first component returned. In addition, if pinned is non-NULL, it is set to true if pinned nodes are found and false otherwise. int nodeInduce (Agraph_t* g) This function takes a subgraph g and finds all edges in its root graph both of whose endpoints are in g. It returns the number of such edges and, if this edge is not already in the subgraph, it is added. int isConnected (Agraph_t* g) This function returns non-zero if the graph g is connected. Packing components point* putGraphs (int ng, Agraph_t** gs, Agraph_t* root, pack_info ip) putGraphs packs together a collection of laid out graphs into a single layout which avoids any overlap. It takes as input ng graphs gs. For each graph, it is assumed that all the nodes have been positioned using pos, and that the xsize and ysize fields have been set. If root is non-NULL, it is taken as the root graph of the subgraphs gs and is used to find the edges. Otherwise, putGraphs uses the edges found in each graph gs[i]. For the modes l_node, l_clust, and l_graph, the packing is done using the polyomino-based algorithm of Freivalds et al. This allows for a fairly tight packing, in which a convex part of one graph might be inserted into the concave part of another. The granularity of the polyominoes used depends on the value of ip->mode. If this is l_node, a polyomino is constructed to approximate the nodes and edges. If this is l_clust, the polyomino treats top-level clusters as single rectangles, unioned with the polyominoes for the remaining nodes and edges. If the value is l_graph, the polyomino for a graph is a single rectangle corresponding to the bounding box of the graph. The mode l_node specifies that the graphs should be packed as an array. If ip->doSplines is true, the function uses the spline information in the spl field of an edge, if it exists. Otherwise, the algorithm represents an edge as a straight line segment connecting node centers. The parameter ip->margin specifies a boundary of margin points to be allowed around each node. It must be non-negative. The parameter ip->fixed, if non-null, should point to an array of ng booleans. If ip->fixed[i] is true, graph gs[i] should be left at its original position. The packing will first first place all of the fixed graphs, then fill in the with the remaining graphs. The function returns an array of points which can be used as the origin of the bounding box of each graph. If the graphs are translated to these positions, none of the graph components will overlap. The array returned is obtained from malloc and must be freed by the caller. If any problem occurs, putGraphs returns NULL. As a side-effect, at its start, putGraphs sets the bb of each graph to reflect its initial layout. Note that putGraphs does not do any translation or change the input graphs in any other way than setting the bb. This function uses the bb field in Agraphinfo_t, the pos, xsize and ysize fields in nodehinfo_t and the spl field in Aedgeinfo_t. int packGraphs (int ng, Agraph_t** gs, Agraph_t* root, pack_info* ip) This function takes ng subgraphs gs of a root graph root and calls putGraphs with the given arguments to generate a packing of the subgraphs. If successful, it then invokes shifts the subgraphs to their new positions. It returns 0 on success. int packSubgraphs (int ng, Agraph_t** gs, Agraph_t* root, pack_info* ip) This function simply calls packGraphs with the given arguments, and then recomputes the bounding box of the root graph. int pack_graph(int ng, Agraph_t** gs, Agraph_t* root, boolean* fixed) uses packSubgraphs to place the individual subgraphs into a single layout with the parameters obtained from getPackInfo. If successful, dotneato_postprocess is called on the root graph. point* putRects (int ng, boxf* bbs, pack_info* ip) putRects packs together a collection of rectangles into a single layout which avoids any overlap. It takes as input ng rectangles bbs. Its behavior and return value are analogous to those of putGraphs. However, the modes l_node and l_clust are illegal. The fields fixed and doSplines of ip are unused. int packRects (int ng, boxf* bbs, pack_info* ip) packRects is analogous to packGraphs: it calls putRects and, if this is successful, it translates the rectangles in bbs appropriately. Utility functions The library provides several functions which can be used to tailor the packing based on graph attributes. pack_mode parsePackModeInfo(char* p, pack_mode dflt, pack_info* pinfo) analyzes p as a string representation of pack mode, storing the information in pinfo. If p is "cluster", it returns l_clust; for "graph", it returns l_graph; for "node", it returns l_node; for "array", it returns l_array; for "aspect", it returns l_aspect; otherwise, it returns dflt. Related data is also stored in pinfo. pack_mode getPackModeInfo(Agraph_t * g, pack_mode dflt, pack_info* pinfo) This function processes the graph's "packmode" attribute, storing the information in pinfo. It returns pinfo->mode. The attribute is processed using parsePackModeInfo with dflt passed as the default argument. pack_mode getPackMode (Agraph_t* g, pack_mode dflt) This function returns a pack_mode associated with g. int getPack (Agraph_t* g, int not_def, int dflt) This function queries the graph attribute "pack". If this is defined as a non-negative integer, the integer is returned; if it is defined as "true", the value dflt is returned; otherwise, the value not_def is returned. pack_mode getPackInfo(Agraph_t * g, pack_mode dflt, int dfltMargin, pack_info* pinfo) This function calls both getPackModeInfo and getPack, storing the information in pinfo. dfltMargin is used for both integer arguments of getPack, with the result saved as pinfo->margin. It returns pinfo->mode.


dot(1), neato(1), twopi(1), libgraph(3) K. Freivalds et al., "Disconnected Graph Layout and the Polyomino Packing Approach", GD0'01, LNCS 2265, pp. 378-391.


The packing does not take into account edge or graph labels.


Emden Gansner (erg@research.att.com). 04 APRIL 2009 LIBPACK(3) pack(n) Tk Built-In Commands pack(n) ______________________________________________________________________________


pack - Geometry manager that packs around edges of cavity


pack option arg ?arg ...? ______________________________________________________________________________


The pack command is used to communicate with the packer, a geometry manager that arranges the children of a parent by packing them in order around the edges of the parent. The pack command can have any of several forms, depending on the option argument: pack window ?window ...? ?options? If the first argument to pack is a window name (any value starting with "."), then the command is processed in the same way as pack configure. pack configure window ?window ...? ?options? The arguments consist of the names of one or more content windows followed by pairs of arguments that specify how to manage the content. See THE PACKER ALGORITHM below for details on how the options are used by the packer. The following options are supported: -after other Other must the name of another window. Use its container as the container for the content, and insert the content just after other in the packing order. -anchor anchor Anchor must be a valid anchor position such as n or sw; it specifies where to position each content in its parcel. Defaults to center. -before other Other must the name of another window. Use its container as the container for the content, and insert the content just before other in the packing order. -expand boolean Specifies whether the content should be expanded to consume extra space in their container. Boolean may have any proper boolean value, such as 1 or no. Defaults to 0. -fill style If a content's parcel is larger than its requested dimensions, this option may be used to stretch the content. Style must have one of the following values: none Give the content its requested dimensions plus any internal padding requested with -ipadx or -ipady. This is the default. x Stretch the content horizontally to fill the entire width of its parcel (except leave external padding as specified by -padx). y Stretch the content vertically to fill the entire height of its parcel (except leave external padding as specified by -pady). both Stretch the content both horizontally and vertically. -in container Insert the window at the end of the packing order for the container window given by container. -ipadx amount Amount specifies how much horizontal internal padding to leave on each side of the content. Amount must be a valid screen distance, such as 2 or .5c. It defaults to 0. -ipady amount Amount specifies how much vertical internal padding to leave on each side of the content. Amount defaults to 0. -padx amount Amount specifies how much horizontal external padding to leave on each side of the content. Amount may be a list of two values to specify padding for left and right separately. Amount defaults to 0. -pady amount Amount specifies how much vertical external padding to leave on each side of the content. Amount may be a list of two values to specify padding for top and bottom separately. Amount defaults to 0. -side side Specifies which side of the container the content will be packed against. Must be left, right, top, or bottom. Defaults to top. If no -in, -after or -before option is specified then each of the content will be inserted at the end of the packing list for its parent unless it is already managed by the packer (in which case it will be left where it is). If one of these options is specified then all the content will be inserted at the specified point. If any of the content are already managed by the geometry manager then any unspecified options for them retain their previous values rather than receiving default values. pack forget window ?window ...? Removes each of the windows from the packing order for its container and unmaps their windows. The content will no longer be managed by the packer. pack info window Returns a list whose elements are the current configuration state of the window given by window in the same option-value form that might be specified to pack configure. The first two elements of the list are "-in container" where container is the window's container. pack propagate container ?boolean? If boolean has a true boolean value such as 1 or on then propagation is enabled for container, which must be a window name (see GEOMETRY PROPAGATION below). If boolean has a false boolean value then propagation is disabled for container. In either of these cases an empty string is returned. If boolean is omitted then the command returns 0 or 1 to indicate whether propagation is currently enabled for container. Propagation is enabled by default. pack slaves window Returns a list of all of the content windows in the packing order for window. The order of the content windows in the list is the same as their order in the packing order. If window has no content then an empty string is returned. | pack content window | Synonym for pack slaves window.


For each container the packer maintains an ordered list of content windows called the packing list. The -in, -after, and -before configuration options are used to specify the container for each content and the content's position in the packing list. If none of these options is given for a content then the content is added to the end of the packing list for its parent. The packer arranges the content windows for a container by scanning the packing list in order. At the time it processes each content, a rectangular area within the container is still unallocated. This area is called the cavity; for the first content it is the entire area of the container. For each content the packer carries out the following steps: [1] The packer allocates a rectangular parcel for the content along the side of the cavity given by the content's -side option. If the side is top or bottom then the width of the parcel is the width of the cavity and its height is the requested height of the content plus the -ipady and -pady options. For the left or right side the height of the parcel is the height of the cavity and the width is the requested width of the content plus the -ipadx and -padx options. The parcel may be enlarged further because of the -expand option (see EXPANSION below) [2] The packer chooses the dimensions of the content. The width will normally be the content's requested width plus twice its -ipadx option and the height will normally be the content's requested height plus twice its -ipady option. However, if the -fill option is x or both then the width of the content is expanded to fill the width of the parcel, minus twice the -padx option. If the -fill option is y or both then the height of the content is expanded to fill the width of the parcel, minus twice the -pady option. [3] The packer positions the content over its parcel. If the content is smaller than the parcel then the -anchor option determines where in the parcel the content will be placed. If -padx or -pady is non-zero, then the given amount of external padding will always be left between the content and the edges of the parcel. Once a given content has been packed, the area of its parcel is subtracted from the cavity, leaving a smaller rectangular cavity for the next content. If a content does not use all of its parcel, the unused space in the parcel will not be used by subsequent content. If the cavity should become too small to meet the needs of a content then the content will be given whatever space is left in the cavity. If the cavity shrinks to zero size, then all remaining content on the packing list will be unmapped from the screen until the container window becomes large enough to hold them again. EXPANSION If a container window is so large that there will be extra space left over after all of its content have been packed, then the extra space is distributed uniformly among all of the content for which the -expand option is set. Extra horizontal space is distributed among the expandable content whose -side is left or right, and extra vertical space is distributed among the expandable content whose -side is top or bottom. GEOMETRY PROPAGATION The packer normally computes how large a container must be to just exactly meet the needs of its content, and it sets the requested width and height of the container to these dimensions. This causes geometry information to propagate up through a window hierarchy to a top-level window so that the entire sub-tree sizes itself to fit the needs of the leaf windows. However, the pack propagate command may be used to turn off propagation for one or more containers. If propagation is disabled then the packer will not set the requested width and height of the packer. This may be useful if, for example, you wish for a container window to have a fixed size that you specify.


The container for each content must either be the content's parent (the default) or a descendant of the content's parent. This restriction is necessary to guarantee that the content can be placed over any part of its container that is visible without danger of the content being clipped by its parent.


If the container for a content is not its parent then you must make sure that the content is higher in the stacking order than the container. Otherwise the container will obscure the content and it will appear as if the content has not been packed correctly. The easiest way to make sure the content is higher than the container is to create the container window first: the most recently created window will be highest in the stacking order. Or, you can use the raise and lower commands to change the stacking order of either the container or the content.


# Make the widgets label .t -text "This widget is at the top" -bg red label .b -text "This widget is at the bottom" -bg green label .l -text "Left\nHand\nSide" label .r -text "Right\nHand\nSide" text .mid .mid insert end "This layout is like Java's BorderLayout" # Lay them out pack .t -side top -fill x pack .b -side bottom -fill x pack .l -side left -fill y pack .r -side right -fill y pack .mid -expand 1 -fill both


grid(n), place(n)


geometry manager, location, packer, parcel, propagation, size Tk 4.0 pack(n)

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