DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
TCPDUMP2XPLOT(1) DragonFly General Commands Manual TCPDUMP2XPLOT(1)
tcpdump2xplot - converts tcpdump output to xplot input for analysis
tcpdump2xplot [-?] [-c] [-help] [-list[filename]] [-plot[filename]] [-q]
[-r] [-s] [-t] [-w]
tcpdump2xplot takes the output of
tcpdump -tt -S ...
and plots it in terms of sequence-number versus time, with other info
displayed (e.g., the TCP window, acks, etc.).
-?, -help prints a help message.
-c, ``cumulative'', adds all the data coming from a server.
-list[filename] prints the list of generated plot files to filename.
-plot[filename] plots the packets from filename. The filename may be
built out of a hostname and port number, e.g.: abc.def.com:1234. The
default is
where fromhost, fromport, thost, toport are extracted as conversations
from the tcpdump data.
-q means "quiet" --- no visible output.
-r means use relative sequence numbers.
-s means break up conversations on TCP syns.
-t convert time to decimal number of seconds.
-w plots the TCP window.
tcpdump(1), xplot(1)
tcpdump2xplot may not deal properly with output from tcpdump that is not
TCP. Either filter to only tcp or be careful.
The tcpdump2xplot has been contributed by xplot users. Thanks to Garret
Wollman for contributing the original tcpdump2xplot.pl script and thanks
to Eric Prud'hommeaux (@ w3.org) for making
<http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/config/tcpdump2xplot.pl> available, a much
improved version. The one included here is a slightly improved version
of Eric's.
DragonFly 6.5-DEVELOPMENT 27 January 1999 DragonFly 6.5-DEVELOPMENT