DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
WHEREINTHEWORLD(8) DragonFly System Manager's Manual WHEREINTHEWORLD(8)
whereintheworld - print summary of make world logs
whereintheworld [file]
The whereintheworld command is a simple filter that reads the output of a
make world and outputs only the important status lines, skipping all the
compilation commands. The result is a terse summary of where the
compilation is at now.
whereintheworld can be run against an existing file or it can simply read
from stdin. It will continue reading from the pipe or the file until EOF
at which point it will print out the few last lines of the log.
whereintheworld expects the build log to be in a certain format. In
particular, it recognizes lines starting with repeating dashes as
''section delimiters''. Lines starting with ''>>>'' will be considered as
the names of the sections. Lines starting with ''===>'' are considered to
be modules being build in the section, and will be printed on screen, but
always on the same line so that they don't make the screen scroll
See the EXAMPLES section for output samples.
whereintheworld is written in Perl and therefore will need an installed
perl(1) interpreter to run. It has been tested on 5.00503 and 5.6.1.
/usr/src/world.out whereintheworld will first try to open this file
if started without argument. If missing, it will
read stdin.
The most simple incantation would be:
A more typical usage of the whereintheworld command:
make world 2>&1 | tee /var/log/build.log | whereintheworld
If you lost this terminal for one reason or another, the display can be
restarted, with a little pipe magic:
(cat build.log && tail -f build.log ) | whereintheworld
The live output will look something like this:
>>> Rebuilding the temporary build tree
>>> stage 1: bootstrap tools
===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/font/devlatin1
with the last line changing as a new module is compiled.
Should be self-explanatory.
The whereintheworld command has been written to parse make world logs for
FreeBSD 3.x, but it should work with about any version, provided the
FreeBSD folks do not change the output format too much.
/usr/src/README, tee(1), cat(1), tail(1).
The whereintheworld manual page example first appeared in worldtools 1.2.
This manual page was written by The Anarcat <anarcat@anarcat.ath.cx>.
The whereintheworld command was written by
Bill Fenner <fenner@freebsd.org> in January 2000 and was modified by
The Anarcat <anarcat@anarcat.ath.cx> to output modules without scrolling.
The whereintheworld command is written in perl(1) and therefore cannot be
included in the base FreeBSD system.
DragonFly 6.5-DEVELOPMENT August 27, 2003 DragonFly 6.5-DEVELOPMENT