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XCB(1)                 DragonFly General Commands Manual                XCB(1)


xcb - X Cut Buffers - Pigeon holes for your cut and paste selections.


xcb [Xt option] [-l layout] [-n count] [-p|-s|-S list] [-r count]


Xcb provides easy access to the cut buffers built into every X server. It allows the buffers to be manipulated either via the command line, or with the mouse in a point and click manner. The buffers can be used as holding pens to store and retrieve arbitrary data fragments. Any number of cut buffers may be created, so any number of different pieces of data can be saved and recalled later. By default, 8 cut buffers are created. The program is designed primarily for use with textual data. Xcb has two modes of operation. Normally xcb provides an array of windows on your display, one per cut buffer, tiled horizontally, vertically, or in some user specified layout. Each window displays the contents of its respective cut buffer. Data can be cut from and pasted to the windows in a similar manner to xterm. The buffers can also be rotated. In task mode, xcb lets you access the cut buffers from the command line. Cut buffers can be loaded from stdin, copied or concatenated to stdout, loaded using the current PRIMARY selection, or rotated an arbitrary number of positions. In this mode of operation, xcb performs the requested task and then exits. It does not create any windows and has no interaction with the mouse or keyboard.


Xcb supports the full set of X Toolkit Intrinsics options, as well as those listed below. Xcb options can appear in any order. The presence of the -p, -r, -s or -S options causes xcb to execute in task mode, described above. -l layout This option controls the geometry arrangement of xcb's subwindows. It is the command line equivalent of the .layout resource, described below. -n count Create count cut buffers. Count can be any integer greater than zero. This option is the command line equivalent of the .bufferCount resource, described below. -u Use utf-8 instead of the current locale settings when executing in task mode and doing I/O. -V Print the xcb release version number and exit immediately. -p list Print the contents of the listed buffer(s) on stdout. The buffered data is printed exactly as it is stored in the server. Selecting two or more buffers has the effect of concatenating the data on stdout. The cut buffers are numbered from 0... onwards. The list can be either a single digit, a comma separated list of digits, a range of the form m-n, or some combination of lists and ranges. The buffers are printed in listed order, so repeated numbers in the list can be used to duplicate buffer contents. -r count Rotate the buffers by count positions. Count can be any integer, positive or negative. This option may be used in conjunction with the -n count option to rotate a specific number of buffers. If the -n option is not used, xcb will rotate the number of buffers given by the .bufferCount resource. -s list Store the data from stdin in the listed buffer(s). If the list refers to two or more buffers, the input data is duplicated in each buffer. Refer to the -p option for the definition of a list. -S list Store the current PRIMARY selection data in the listed buffer(s). The data is converted to a string representation. If the list refers to two or more buffers, the PRIMARY selection is duplicated in each buffer. Refer to the -p option for the definition of a list. Under the -S option xcb waits for the nominated cut buffer's contents to change before exiting. If no change is detected within 3 seconds, xcb exits with a non-zero return code. WIDGETS and RESOURCES The xcb widget hierarchy consists of a collection of custom buffer widgets, one per cut buffer. In the Athena version of the program, these buffer widgets are all contained within a single Athena form widget. In the Motif version of the program, they are each enclosed by Motif frame widgets, and the frame widgets are all contained within a single Motif RowColumn widget. The names of the buffer widgets are "buffer0", "buffer1", "buffer2", .... etc., and their class name is "Buffer". Each buffer widget supports all the standard core widget resources, plus the .foreground and .fontSet resources. Application wide resources are as follows: .bufferCount (default value 8) This is the number of buffer widgets to create. Any number of widgets (greater than zero) can be created. .layout (default value "h") Only the first character of the resource value is significant. This is the geometry arrangement to apply in the container widget. The layout can be "h" (horizontal), "v" (vertical), or some other value to disable the inbuilt geometry code and specify the layout via your X resources. An example is provided in the application default resources file. EVENTS and TRANSLATIONS Xcb's input semantics are coded into a Toolkit translation table. The default bindings have been chosen to conform with the default configuration of other cut and paste clients, such as xterm. The bindings may be altered or overridden according to your needs. The actions functions provided by xcb are:- cut() causes the contents of the chosen cut buffer to become the PRIMARY selection. The window contents, if any, are highlighted, and can then be pasted into other cut buffers or applications. paste() causes the value of the PRIMARY selection to be converted into text and pasted into the chosen cut buffer, overwriting any previous buffer contents. If no PRIMARY selection is present, xcb pastes the contents of cut buffer zero into the chosen buffer. clear() clears the chosen cut buffer. rotate(NN) rotates the cut buffers by NN positions. NN may be any positive or negative number. refresh() causes the cut buffer window to be cleared and redrawn. selreq() this action function handles paste requests from other clients, or other xcb windows. It should always be bound to SelectionRequest events. selclear() this action function responds to the loss of ownership of the PRIMARY selection property. It should always be bound to SelectionClear events. quit() causes xcb to terminate. The default bindings are as follows:- <Btn1Down>: cut() \n\ Shift <Btn2Down>: clear() \n\ <Btn2Down>: paste() \n\ Shift <Btn3Down>: rotate(-1) \n\ <Btn3Down>: rotate(1) \n\ <Key>Left: rotate(-1) \n\ <Key>Right: rotate(1) \n\ <Key>Up: rotate(-1) \n\ <Key>Down: rotate(1) \n\ <Key>q: quit() \n\ <SelReq>: selreq() \n\ <SelClr>: selclear()


The following are some examples of xcb task mode usage:- xcb -s 0-7 < /dev/null This clears the first 8 cut buffers in your server. echo "G'day." | xcb -display bigears:0.0 -s 1,3,5,7 This loads the string "G'day." into four of the cut buffers on the display "bigears". xsendevent -win buffer5 '<Btn1Down>' This uses the program xsendevent to send a synthetic mouse click event to an xcb subwindow, thereby making that window the owner of the PRIMARY selection. ls `xcb -p 2,3` This produces a listing of all the files named in cut buffers 2 and 3. xcb -p 0-7 | xcb -s 0 This concatenates the values in the first 8 cut buffers, and places the result back in cut buffer zero. xcb -S 0 && xcb -p 0 The first command copies the current PRIMARY selection into the first cut buffer. If the copy succeeds, then the second command prints that data on stdout. for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 do xcb -p $i > $HOME/.xcb/$i done for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 do xcb -s $i < $HOME/.xcb/$i done This first loop saves the contents of each of the cut buffers in a separate file under your home directory. The second loop restores the cut buffer contents from those files. When placed in your .logout and .login scripts respectively, the commands are a simple method of preserving your cut buffers across login sessions. function g { echo "$1\\c" | xcb -s 7 grep "$@" } function vg { vi +/`xcb -p 7` "$@" } These two shell functions exemplify a simple mechanism for saving and reusing regular expressions. The first function saves the regex used for grep-ing into cut buffer 7. The second function reuses the most recent grep regex as a search command in vi. There is considerable scope for expanding and improving these ideas.


xterm(1), xcutsel(1), xclipboard(1), xprop(1) Athena Widget Set - C Language Interface Motif Programmers Reference Guide


Current Maintainer (I18n version) Marc Lehmann E-mail: pcg@goof.com Original Author Farrell McKay E-mail: Farrell.McKay@mpx.com.au XView modifications provided by Danny Vanderryn E-mail: dvanderr@us.oracle.com


Copyright (C) 1992,1993,1994 by Farrell McKay. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. BUGS :-) Xlib's underlying protocol for moving selection data between client and server can sometimes be slow, depending on the amount of data involved. Do not expect fast performance if your selections are big or you want to store big files in your cut buffers! ("big" means, say, over 10k bytes - but your mileage may vary). X Version 11 Oct 6 1994 XCB(1) xcb_allow_events(3) XCB Requests xcb_allow_events(3)


xcb_allow_events - release queued events


#include <xcb/xproto.h> Request function xcb_void_cookie_t xcb_allow_events(xcb_connection_t *conn, uint8_t mode, xcb_timestamp_t time);


conn The XCB connection to X11. mode One of the following values: XCB_ALLOW_ASYNC_POINTER For AsyncPointer, if the pointer is frozen by the client, pointer event processing continues normally. If the pointer is frozen twice by the client on behalf of two separate grabs, AsyncPointer thaws for both. AsyncPointer has no effect if the pointer is not frozen by the client, but the pointer need not be grabbed by the client. TODO: rewrite this in more understandable terms. XCB_ALLOW_SYNC_POINTER For SyncPointer, if the pointer is frozen and actively grabbed by the client, pointer event processing continues normally until the next ButtonPress or ButtonRelease event is reported to the client, at which time the pointer again appears to freeze. However, if the reported event causes the pointer grab to be released, then the pointer does not freeze. SyncPointer has no effect if the pointer is not frozen by the client or if the pointer is not grabbed by the client. XCB_ALLOW_REPLAY_POINTER For ReplayPointer, if the pointer is actively grabbed by the client and is frozen as the result of an event having been sent to the client (either from the activation of a GrabButton or from a previous AllowEvents with mode SyncPointer but not from a GrabPointer), then the pointer grab is released and that event is completely reprocessed, this time ignoring any passive grabs at or above (towards the root) the grab-window of the grab just released. The request has no effect if the pointer is not grabbed by the client or if the pointer is not frozen as the result of an event. XCB_ALLOW_ASYNC_KEYBOARD For AsyncKeyboard, if the keyboard is frozen by the client, keyboard event processing continues normally. If the keyboard is frozen twice by the client on behalf of two separate grabs, AsyncKeyboard thaws for both. AsyncKeyboard has no effect if the keyboard is not frozen by the client, but the keyboard need not be grabbed by the client. XCB_ALLOW_SYNC_KEYBOARD For SyncKeyboard, if the keyboard is frozen and actively grabbed by the client, keyboard event processing continues normally until the next KeyPress or KeyRelease event is reported to the client, at which time the keyboard again appears to freeze. However, if the reported event causes the keyboard grab to be released, then the keyboard does not freeze. SyncKeyboard has no effect if the keyboard is not frozen by the client or if the keyboard is not grabbed by the client. XCB_ALLOW_REPLAY_KEYBOARD For ReplayKeyboard, if the keyboard is actively grabbed by the client and is frozen as the result of an event having been sent to the client (either from the activation of a GrabKey or from a previous AllowEvents with mode SyncKeyboard but not from a GrabKeyboard), then the keyboard grab is released and that event is completely reprocessed, this time ignoring any passive grabs at or above (towards the root) the grab-window of the grab just released. The request has no effect if the keyboard is not grabbed by the client or if the keyboard is not frozen as the result of an event. XCB_ALLOW_ASYNC_BOTH For AsyncBoth, if the pointer and the keyboard are frozen by the client, event processing for both devices continues normally. If a device is frozen twice by the client on behalf of two separate grabs, AsyncBoth thaws for both. AsyncBoth has no effect unless both pointer and keyboard are frozen by the client. XCB_ALLOW_SYNC_BOTH For SyncBoth, if both pointer and keyboard are frozen by the client, event processing (for both devices) continues normally until the next ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, KeyPress, or KeyRelease event is reported to the client for a grabbed device (button event for the pointer, key event for the keyboard), at which time the devices again appear to freeze. However, if the reported event causes the grab to be released, then the devices do not freeze (but if the other device is still grabbed, then a subsequent event for it will still cause both devices to freeze). SyncBoth has no effect unless both pointer and keyboard are frozen by the client. If the pointer or keyboard is frozen twice by the client on behalf of two separate grabs, SyncBoth thaws for both (but a subsequent freeze for SyncBoth will only freeze each device once). time Timestamp to avoid race conditions when running X over the network. The special value XCB_CURRENT_TIME will be replaced with the current server time.


Releases queued events if the client has caused a device (pointer/keyboard) to freeze due to grabbing it actively. This request has no effect if time is earlier than the last-grab time of the most recent active grab for this client or if time is later than the current X server time.


Returns an xcb_void_cookie_t. Errors (if any) have to be handled in the event loop. If you want to handle errors directly with xcb_request_check instead, use xcb_allow_events_checked. See xcb-requests(3) for details.


xcb_value_error_t You specified an invalid mode.




Generated from xproto.xml. Contact xcb@lists.freedesktop.org for corrections and improvements. X Version 11 libxcb 1.15 xcb_allow_events(3)

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