DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
YAFSCII(1) Yet Another Flowmeter YAFSCII(1)
yafscii - YAF Flow Printer
[--poll POLLING_DELAY] [--lock]
[--log LOG_SPECIFIER] [--loglevel LOG_LEVEL]
[--verbose] [--version] [--daemon] [--foreground]
[--tabular] [--mac] [--print-header]
yafscii takes IPFIX flow data files generated by yaf(1) and prints them
in an ASCII format loosely analogous to that produced by tcpdump(1),
with one flow per line. The text output format is detailed in the
OUTPUT section, below. yafscii is generally intended to be used to
print single files for verification or debugging purposes, or to
operate in a pipe with yaf(1), but it can be used as a daemon as well.
yafscii ignores yaf(1) stats records.
Input Options
The input specifier determines where yafscii will read its input from.
If the input specifier is not given, yaf defaults to reading from
standard input.
INPUT_SPECIFIER is an input specifier. This is a filename, a
directory name, a file glob pattern (in which case it should be
escaped or quoted to prevent the shell from expanding the glob
pattern), or the string - to read from standard input.
Output Options
The output specifier determines where yaf will send its output. If
reading standard input, output defaults to standard output. If reading
from files on disk, output defaults to one file per input file, named
as the input file in the same directory as the input file with a .txt
OUTPUT_SPECIFIER is an output specifier. This should be a
filename or a directory name, or the string - to write to
standard output.
Use tabular output mode, which is designed for easy parsability
over human readability. See the Tabular Output section below
for details.
--mac Used with --tabular mode to print source and destination MAC
Used with --tabular mode to print column headers.
Daemon Options
These options are used to run yafscii in daemon mode for batch
processing of pcap dumpfiles.
Run yafscii in daemon mode. Instead of processing its input then
exiting, yafscii will continually look for new input matching its
input specifier. This will cause yaf to fork into the background
and exit. =item --foreground
Instead of forking in --daemon mode, stay in the foreground.
Useful for debugging.
Use lockfiles for concurrent file access protection. Highly
recommended in --daemon mode, especially if two daemons are
interacting through a given directory.
POLLING_DELAY is the polling delay in seconds; how long yaf will
wait for new input when none is available. The default is 60
When reading from files, if this option is present, input files
will be moved to PROCESSED_INPUT_DIRECTORY after they are
successfully processed. The special string delete will cause
successfully processed input to be removed instead. This option is
required in daemon mode.
When reading from files, if this option is present, input files
will be moved to FAILED_INPUT_DIRECTORY if processing failed. The
special string delete will cause failed input to be removed
instead. This option is required in daemon mode.
Logging Options
These options are used to specify how log messages are routed. yaf can
log to standard error, regular files, or the UNIX syslog facility.
Specifies destination for log messages. LOG_SPECIFIER can be a
syslog(3) facility name, the special value stderr for standard
error, or the absolute path to a file for file logging. Standard
error logging is only available in --daemon mode if --foreground is
present. The default log specifier is stderr if available, user
--loglevel LOG_LEVEL
Specify minimum level for logged messages. In increasing levels of
verbosity, the supported log levels are quiet, error, critical,
warning, message, info, and debug. The default logging level is
Equivalent to --loglevel debug.
If present, print version and copyright information to standard
error and exit.
Human-Readable Output
yafscii's default output format, like that of tcpdump, is designed to
be easily human-readable, at the possible expense of ease of automated
parsing. Each flow is represented by a single output line representing
the flow itself, followed by zero or more indented lines containing
flow payload in hexdump format. This section details each flow format,
where each field specifier is as follows:
start-time, end-time
Flow start or end time in ISO 8601 format, with milliseconds
(YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.ssss). Start time is printed with a date; end
time is not. End time is only present if the flow has a non-zero
Flow duration in fractional seconds. Only present if the flow has a
non-zero duration.
IP protocol identifier in decimal format.
sip, dip
Source or destination IPv4 address in dotted-quad format or IPv6
address in RFC 2373 format.
sp, dp
Source or destination transport port in decimal format.
type, code
ICMP type or code in decimal format.
isn, risn
Forward or reverse initial TCP sequence number in hexadecimal
iflags, riflags, uflags, ruflags
Foward or reverse first-packet TCP flags; forward or reverse nth-
packet TCP flags union; where each flags bit is represented by the
first character in the flag's name: FIN, SYN, RST, PSH, ACK, URG,
ECE, CWR. The character 0 means no flags are set (and will appear
in the nth-packet field for single-packet TCP flows).
tag, rtag
Forward or reverse first-packet 802.1q VLAN tag in hexadecimal
srcMacAddress, destMacAddress
Source or Destination MAC Address.
pkt, rpkt
Forward or reverse packet count in decimal format.
oct, roct
Forward or reverse octet count in decimal format.
rtt Round-trip time estimate in milliseconds in decimal format.
If not present, the flow ended normally (i.e., by TCP RST or FIN).
Otherwise, the end-reason is one of the following strings:
idle Flow was expired by idle timeout. No packets were received for
IDLE_TIMEOUT seconds (see yaf(1)) and the flow was presumed
Flow was expired by active timeout. The flow's duration was
longer than ACTIVE_TIMEOUT seconds (see yaf(1)) and the flow
was flushed from the flow table.
eof Flow was still active in the flow table at the end of the
dumpfile or at yaf(1) shutdown time; it was flushed as the
flow table was cleared.
rsrc Flow was prematurely flushed as idle because more than
FLOW_TABLE_MAX flows (see yaf(1)) were active in the flow
yaf forced a write of the flow, but the flow remained open.
This is only seen if yaf operated with the --udp-uniflow flag,
which exports each UDP packet as a flow record, but allows the
flow to remain open until it closes naturally by idle and
active timeouts (see yaf(1)).
The application label, if yaf(1) was built with application
labeling enabled and the application labeler was able to identify
the payload in the flow.
The Shannon-Fano Entropy for the forward then the reverse flow
payload if the payload existed and yaf(1) was built with entropy
Each flow line format is as follows:
Unidirectional IP flow
start-time [- end-time (duration sec)] ip proto sip => dip [vlan
tag] (pkt/oct ->) [end-reason]
Unidirectional UDP flow
start-time [- end-time (duration sec)] udp sip:sp => dip:dp [vlan
tag] (pkt/oct ->) [end-reason]
Unidirectional TCP flow
start-time [- end-time (duration sec)] tcp sip:sp => dip:dp isn
iflags/uflags [vlan tag] (pkt/oct ->) [end-reason]
Unidirectional ICMP flow
start-time [- end-time (duration sec)] icmp [type:code] sip => dip
[vlan tag] (pkt/oct ->) [end-reason]
Bidirectional IP flow
start-time [- end-time (duration sec)] ip proto sip => dip [vlan
tag:rtag] (pkt/oct <-> rpkt/roct) rtt rtt ms [end-reason]
Bidirectional UDP flow
start-time [- end-time (duration sec)] udp sip:sp => dip:dp [vlan
tag:rtag] (pkt/oct <-> rpkt/roct) rtt rtt ms [end-reason]
Bidirectional TCP flow
start-time [- end-time (duration sec)] tcp sip:sp => dip:dp
isn:risn iflags/uflags:riflags/ruflags [vlan tag:rtag] (pkt/oct <->
rpkt/roct) rtt rtt ms [end-reason]
If present, the payload follows each flow line. Forward direction
payload lines are prefixed with the string ->, and reverse direction
payload lines are prefixed with the string <-. Payload is only taken
from the first packet for non-TCP flows (see yaf(1)).
Tabular Output
In --tabular mode, yafscii prints its output as a table, without a
header, with one flow per line and no payload information. Each column
is separated by a pipe character. Columns have constant width and are
filled with leading zeroes or spaces as appropriate. Every column
appears in each row whether it is present in the flow data or not; non-
present columns are represented with a 0. All columns are formatted as
they are in the human-readable output, except end-time which appears
with a data and rtt which is expressed in fractional seconds instead of
decimal milliseconds. For ICMP flows, ICMP type and code appear in the
dp field, which has the value 256(type) + code. srcMacAddress and
destMacAddress will only print if --mac is used. The order of columns
is as follows:
start-time| end-time| duration| rtt| proto| sip| sp| dip| dp|
srcMacAddress| destMacAddress| iflags| uflags| riflags| ruflags| isn|
risn| tag| rtag| pkt| oct| rpkt| roct| applabel| entropy| rentropy|
yafscii responds to SIGINT or SIGTERM by terminating input processing
and exiting.
Known issues are listed in the README file in the YAF tools source
distribution. Note that YAF should be considered alpha-quality
software; not every conceivable input and option is exhaustively tested
at each release, and specific features may be completely untested.
Please be mindful of this before deploying YAF in production
environments. YAF's output format may also change, as the development
of YAF is intended to track progress in the IPFIX working group; the
file output of YAF should not presently be used for archival storage of
flow data. Bug reports and feature requests may be sent directly to the
Network Situational Awareness team at <netsa-help@cert.org>.
Brian Trammell, Chris Inacio, Michael Duggan, and the CERT Network
Situational Awareness Group Engineering Team,
2.8.0 19-Feb-2016 YAFSCII(1)