DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
ttk::progressbar(n) Tk Themed Widget ttk::progressbar(n)
ttk::progressbar - Provide progress feedback
ttk::progressbar pathName ?options?
A ttk::progressbar widget shows the status of a long-running operation.
They can operate in two modes: determinate mode shows the amount
completed relative to the total amount of work to be done, and
indeterminate mode provides an animated display to let the user know
that something is happening.
-class -cursor -takefocus
See the ttk_widget manual entry for details on the standard options.
Command-Line Name:-length
Database Name: length
Database Class: Length
Specifies the length of the long axis of the progress bar (width
if horizontal, height if vertical).
Command-Line Name:-maximum
Database Name: maximum
Database Class: Maximum
A floating point number specifying the maximum -value. Defaults
to 100.
Command-Line Name:-mode
Database Name: mode
Database Class: Mode
One of determinate or indeterminate.
Command-Line Name:-orient
Database Name: orient
Database Class: Orient
One of horizontal or vertical. Specifies the orientation of the
progress bar.
Command-Line Name:-phase
Database Name: phase
Database Class: Phase
Read-only option. The widget periodically increments the value
of this option whenever the -value is greater than 0 and, in
determinate mode, less than -maximum. This option may be used
by the current theme to provide additional animation effects.
Command-Line Name:-value
Database Name: value
Database Class: Value
The current value of the progress bar. In determinate mode,
this represents the amount of work completed. In indeterminate
mode, it is interpreted modulo -maximum; that is, the progress
bar completes one "cycle" when the -value increases by -maximum.
If -variable is set to an existing variable, specifying -value
has no effect (the variable value takes precedence).
Command-Line Name:-variable
Database Name: variable
Database Class: Variable
The name of a global Tcl variable which is linked to the -value.
If specified to an existing variable, the -value of the progress
bar is automatically set to the value of the variable whenever
the latter is modified.
pathName cget option
Returns the current value of the specified option; see
pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...?
Modify or query widget options; see ttk::widget(n).
pathName identify x y
Returns the name of the element at position x, y. See
pathName instate statespec ?script?
Test the widget state; see ttk::widget(n).
pathName start ?interval?
Begin autoincrement mode: schedules a recurring timer event that
calls step every interval milliseconds. If omitted, interval
defaults to 50 milliseconds (20 steps/second).
pathName state ?stateSpec?
Modify or query the widget state; see ttk::widget(n).
pathName step ?amount?
Increments the -value by amount. amount defaults to 1.0 if
pathName stop
Stop autoincrement mode: cancels any recurring timer event
initiated by pathName start.
The class name for a ttk::progressbar is TProgressbar.
TProgressbar styling options configurable with ttk::style are:
-background color
-bordercolor color
-darkcolor color
-lightcolor color
For the aqua theme.
For the aqua theme.
-troughcolor color
Some options are only available for specific themes.
See the ttk::style manual page for information on how to configure ttk
Tk 8.5 ttk::progressbar(n)