DragonFly On-Line Manual Pages
apertium-tagger(1) apertium-tagger(1)
apertium-tagger - This application is part of ( apertium )
This tool is part of the apertium open-source machine translation
architecture: http://www.apertium.org.
apertium-tagger --train|-t {n} DIC CRP TSX PROB [--debug|-d]
apertium-tagger --supervised|-s {n} DIC CRP TSX PROB HTAG UNTAG
apertium-tagger --retrain|-r {n} CRP PROB [--debug|-d]
apertium-tagger --tagger|-g [--first|-f] PROB [--debug|-d] [INPUT
apertium-tagger is the application responsible for the apertium part-
of-speech tagger training or tagging, depending on the calling options.
This command only reads from the standard input if the option --tagger
or -g is used.
-t {n}, --train {n}
Initializes parameters through Kupiec's method (unsupervised),
then performs n iterations of the Baum-Welch training algorithm
-s {n}, --supervised {n}
Initializes parameters against a hand-tagged text (supervised)
through the maximum likelihood estimate method, then performs n
iterations of the Baum-Welch training algorithm (unsupervised)
-r {n}, --retrain {n}
Retrains the model with n additional Baum-Welch iterations
-g, --tagger
Tags input text by means of Viterbi algorithm.
-p, --show-superficial
Prints the superficial form of the word along side the lexical
form in the output stream.
-f, --first
Used in conjuntion with -g (--tagger) makes the tagger give all
lexical forms of each word, with the chosen one in the first
place (after the lemma)
-d, --debug
Print error (if any) or debug messages while operating.
-m, --mark
Mark disambiguated words.
-h, --help
Display a help message.
These are the kinds of files used with each option:
DIC Full expanded dictionary file
CRP Training text corpus file
TSX Tagger specification file, in XML format
PROB Tagger data file, built in the training and used while tagging
HTAG Hand-tagged text corpus
UNTAG Untagged text corpus, morphological analysis of HTAG corpus to
use both jointly with -s option
INPUT Input file, stdin by default
OUTPUT Output file, stdout by default
lt-proc(1), lt-comp(1), lt-expand(1), apertium(1).
Lots of...lurking in the dark and waiting for you!
Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Universitat d'Alacant / Universidad de
Alicante. This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License
2006-08-30 apertium-tagger(1)